The Roosevelt New Orleans
Hotel Overview
Stay in the historic Roosevelt New Orleans and experience the luxury that only a Waldorf Astoria hotel can provide.
Hotel Information
The Roosevelt New Orleans
130 Roosevelt Way
New Orleans, LA 70112
Check in time - 3:00pm
Check out time - 12:00pm
Group Room Rate
- $269 + tax (based on availability). This rate expires on Friday, April 5.
- Complimentary internet is included.
To make your hotel reservation
You will be prompted to make your hotel reservation during the final step of the conference registration process.
Deposit and Cancellation Policy
A credit card is required to make a reservation and you will be charged a deposit of one night's room and tax. Cancellations received less than 72 hours prior to arrival will lose the deposit of one night's room and tax.
Hotel Parking
Parking is $46 plus tax overnight.
The Sazerac Bar
Sample the world's first mixed drink at The Sazerac Bar.
Located inside The Roosevelt, The Sazerac Bar takes you back to the grandeur of old New Orleans – a time when Huey P. Long would stroll in, order a Ramos Gin Fizz, and spend the next couple of hours talking to his constituents.